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Fertility Enhancement, Nutrition and Mindfulness

Assistant Professor now in Fort Worth, TX

When I first met Anne, I had struggled with infertility for three years and was undergoing conventional fertility treatments. I was very moved by Anne's compassion and sincere interest in my overall wellness. She intervened on many levels - with acupuncture, mindfulness, and serenity. In addition, she evaluated my nutritional status more than anyone had ever done, introduced me to new foods to promote fertility, and provided me with very specific, practical pointers for making simple changes to my diet. During my next fertility treatment, I became pregnant with twin boys who are such a precious blessing. I am very grateful for the role that Anne played in my journey to fertility and still integrate many of her suggestions in daily life.

Stress and Energy

Nick, University of Virginia Graduate Student

I came to Anne because I was feeling stressed from grad school and working full time. On my initial visit, Anne went over a thorough health history. She was very sincere and explained how acupuncture could help me. Treatments were very relaxing and painless. I always left feeling energized, thinking clearly and completely de-stressed. Thanks Anne!

Migraine Headaches and Insomnia

Stefanie Marshall, CEO – M3, Inc. and Sandy, Financial Manager

Stefanie: I turned to Anne Smucker and acupuncture when all of the medication that my doctor was prescribing for my migraines was failing. I did not want to be on medication for migraines for the rest of my life and the pain of having one would put me out for 2 days, which as a CEO of a mason contracting company, I could not afford. She did a very comprehensive analysis of all of my health problems, and started the treatment for migraines first, the migraines went away, and my energy level went up, I am also sleeping much better. I would recommend Anne for anyone who is seeking a different type of treatment for any ailment. She listens to you and has wonderful recommendations. I am happy to say that I have been migraine free for over 3 years.


Sandy: I have suffered with migraines for twenty five years and there have been periods of time when the pain has been unmanageable with medication. During those times I received acupuncture from Anne and immediately noticed a difference. The migraines became less intense, responded quicker to medication and became less frequent. Acupuncture allowed me to relax, sleep better and manage these extremely stressful periods.


Chronic Digestive Issues

Michele Reger, Special Education Teacher

I would say that acupuncture led to an "opening" for me. As I've read more over the years, I better understand the blockage of energies that occurs for so many reasons. Acupuncture brought me to the realization that health is much more than just the state of the body. I remember clearly a moment of peace that came after a few acupuncture treatments. My daughter was having a difficult morning getting ready for school. She was frustrated and anxious because of her hair or clothes or the like, and my typical reaction would have been to join her in that rushed, frustrated feeling. Instead, I was able to pause, inhale deeply, and express to her that I was sorry she was having such a difficult time and that I hoped it would get better for her. Because I didn't react in a stressed manner, she was able to calm down, and we all left the house in a much better state of mind. In the past, such stressors would have settled into my body, generally my stomach or overall digestive system, causing physical pain or ailment, but acupuncture provides an opening of those blockages and an opening of pathways to a holistic wellness of the mind, body, and spirit. 

Menstrual Irregularity

Josephine B Adamson, MD and Grace Healy, University of Virginia student

Josephine: When my 16 year old daughter's menstrual periods failed to become regular, her doctors diagnosed polycystic ovary syndrome, PCOS. There were no treatment options offered except medication to bring down her blood sugar levels and oral contraceptives to mimic a normal cycle. She took these for a while, but they had side effects and merely treated the symptoms, not the cause.

I discovered that UVA was doing a study investigating the effects of acupuncture on PCOS in adults (my daughter was too young to participate).The scientist in charge of the study highly recommended Anne Smucker. My daughter enjoyed working with Anne and completed 6 or 7 sessions which also included easy-to-follow dietary and lifestyle recommendations. Within 3 months, my daughter had lost 10 pounds, lowered her blood sugar levels to normal, and began regular menstrual cycles. Now, almost 2 years later, my daughter (now 5'10", 150lbs) has lost 25 lbs total following Anne's recommendations and continues to cycle. As a retired MD, I was not very familiar with acupuncture, but Anne's friendly professionalism put us at ease. We are grateful - it worked. 


Grace: I came in for two acupuncture appointments in the fall. The treatment was tremendously successful, and my periods have been perfectly regular since then. I've been recommending Anne to other women I know with menstrual problems.

Hand and Arm Injury

Mac Warford

On different occasions, acupuncture has been immensely helpful in restoring the functioning of my hand and arm when they had been injured. A lot of my life is now committed to playing mandolin and so it was very important for me to recover the full use and flexibility of my hand. Acupuncture may be an eastern tradition, but it certainly augments standard western medical practices. In all ways, Anne Smucker is a professional, informed, and highly skilled acupuncturist. 

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Fibromyalgia and Pregnancy

Valerie Weiss, Small Animal Veterinarian

I was moved to investigate acupuncture after experiencing a year of poor health, high stress, and low energy. I was immediately at ease with Anne, and really appreciated her gentle manner as well as her thoughtful way of planning each treatment session. A few months into acupuncture, I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Fibromyalgia. Over the next 6 months of treatments with Anne, my energy and health improved markedly. I had many people express surprise at how "normal" my activity level was, given that diagnosis. One of the most alarming things about the diagnosis was the fact that very little was known about the condition, and there wasn't a simple medical treatment option. It was great to be doing something that seemed to be helping me so much! 

When I became pregnant, acupuncture proved a wonderful help with the physical discomforts of pregnancy and with my tendency toward anxiety. I loved working with Anne through my pregnancy! After my son was born I had a flare-up of CFS. Once we made acupuncture treatments for me a top priority, things improved substantially. Over the next two years, I continued to have acupuncture regularly, though with decreasing frequency (we kept spacing it out to see what a "maintenance level" would be). Eventually I was doing so well that I stopped scheduling regular appointments, though I appreciate knowing that Anne is there when I need a "tune up". I am currently doing well with the demands of parenting two boys, working with my husband to grow and preserve garden produce, and working as a veterinarian. The only sadness I feel at my current good level of health is that I don't get to see Anne often at all! 

Along with the physical improvements I experienced with acupuncture, I also appreciated the introduction to the Five Elements aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine. I feel that is an aspect of Anne's training that really stands out, grounding her treatments in a system that has been tested through the ages. 

Migraines, Allergies, and Fertility

Anne, Educational Coordinator

I began seeing Anne for a variety of reasons, including migraine headaches, allergies, and fertility issues. Anne has a wonderful demeanor – she is courteous, extraordinarily thorough, professional, and thoughtful. The effects of treatment were welcomed and immediate. Not only did my uncomfortable symptoms dissipate; I left our appointments feeling rested and with a recharged sense of wellbeing that lasted for days. And I became pregnant after only a few visits! I recommend Anne without reservation. 

Additional Comments

Join the Club of Pleased Customers!

I suddenly felt more cheerful and active and decided to live two more years! 
93 year old woman – retired teacher

Anne is a caring practitioner and thorough in her work… My pain from arthritis is reduced 80%. 
49 year old woman - community organizer and fundraiser


Relaxation lasts several days after treatment. My family notices the change. My temper has not been as volatile since beginning acupuncture treatment.”….“I got more rest during the 15 minutes you left me (during treatment with the needles) than I do when I sleep. 
53 year old man – dean of a business school


My headaches have lessened in frequency and severity. My goal is to minimize the amount of time and energy they take away from my life. I believe that acupuncture has helped me do that. 
35 year old woman during pregnancy when she couldn’t take her regular medication for migraines


I’m continuing to observe my moods and my reactions to other people’s moods. Acupuncture helps me maintain this ‘observer.’ I don’t allow another person’s ups and downs to affect me as much. 
35 year old woman – organic gardener


My limp has disappeared! I’m back to walking 2 miles three times each week. 
75 year old woman – homemaker


No pain or stiffness when I got home for the first time since March [8 months previous]. 
28 year old woman with fibromyalgia


From the first visit, I was struck by your thoughtfulness, kindness, patience and your ability to point out facts objectively while helping me make my own decisions.
28 year old man – professional dancer and computer programmer


The interview was the most detailed health assessment I have had in my 48 years… My first session, which closed with honoring the heart, brought me such perfect peace....My memory and self-confidence were ending – careful treatment of my spirit and my SELF have turned this around. 
48 year old woman – volunteer coordinator for a nonprofit

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